Den vackra vita snön på gröna buskar i början av november 2006
Nu minns jag att det var mycket snö för ett år sedan. Datum på bilden ger vid handen att det var 2 november 2006.
Den kameran är nu obsolete. Den tekniska utvecklingen vad gäller kameror är rent otrolig . . .
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Ban, FN:s Generalsekreterare
Ban besökte Antarktis i novemer 2007.
Ban said he was "very sad and alarmed" by what he saw in the southern Andes.
"As in the case of Chile, there are many countries in the world that without having contributed much to global warming, they have to pay," he noted.
"Therefore, this is not the problem of industrialized or developing countries. This is the problem of the whole world and we must work together."
Ban was due to go on to Ribeirao Preto in southeastern Brazil on Sunday to examine the country's pioneering efforts to use alcohol from sugarcane in cars to limit greenhouse gases and reduce the reliance on fossil fuels.
The technology, though, is not without controversy.
A UN special rapporteur on the Right to Food, Jean Ziegler, last month called such the conversion of farmland into biofuel-producing tracts "a crime against humanity."
On Monday, Ban will talk over the issue with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who has rejected Ziegler's call for a five-year moratorium on such land-use transformations.
On Tuesday, the UN chief will go to Brazil's northern Amazon jungle to see the effects of deforestation in an area often called "the lungs of the planet."
Ban, who has declared his efforts to focus global attention on fighting climate change "one of my main priorities as secretary general," is preparing to host a conference on the issue in Indonesia in December.
Vi hoppas på en konferens i december med goda resultat ! ! !
Ban said he was "very sad and alarmed" by what he saw in the southern Andes.
"As in the case of Chile, there are many countries in the world that without having contributed much to global warming, they have to pay," he noted.
"Therefore, this is not the problem of industrialized or developing countries. This is the problem of the whole world and we must work together."
Ban was due to go on to Ribeirao Preto in southeastern Brazil on Sunday to examine the country's pioneering efforts to use alcohol from sugarcane in cars to limit greenhouse gases and reduce the reliance on fossil fuels.
The technology, though, is not without controversy.
A UN special rapporteur on the Right to Food, Jean Ziegler, last month called such the conversion of farmland into biofuel-producing tracts "a crime against humanity."
On Monday, Ban will talk over the issue with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who has rejected Ziegler's call for a five-year moratorium on such land-use transformations.
On Tuesday, the UN chief will go to Brazil's northern Amazon jungle to see the effects of deforestation in an area often called "the lungs of the planet."
Ban, who has declared his efforts to focus global attention on fighting climate change "one of my main priorities as secretary general," is preparing to host a conference on the issue in Indonesia in December.
Vi hoppas på en konferens i december med goda resultat ! ! !
Fotboll på Fredriksskans
En av de första allsvenska matcherna som jag bevistat,
var matchen mellan KFF och MFF år 1949
Ett stort tack till Sveriges Radio som har bevarat denna svart/vita film
från en minnesvärd föreställning.
var matchen mellan KFF och MFF år 1949
Ett stort tack till Sveriges Radio som har bevarat denna svart/vita film
från en minnesvärd föreställning.
Håller fortfarande på Kalmar FF. Stuttgart är också min favorit. Tidigare hette det Neckarstadion och jag var där 1963.
På Fredriksskans var jag schon 1949 när KFF mötte MFF. SR har en sv/vit film, med Jerring som speaker, bevarad med matchen som spelades i god sommarvärme fastän det var oktober. På Fredriksskans blev jag bjuden på gin av en sjöman. Bröderna Hjertsson spelade hårt. Kjell Rosén elegant. Hoppet stod till att Girre från Påryd skulle göra ett par mål.
Rädd för att det öde som drabbat FC Kaiserslautern ska drabba mitt svenska favoritlag.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
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